Abundant Skies Tax and Accounting: Accounting and tax filing services. We offer comprehensive solutions to meet all your accounting needs. Bookkeeping, payroll services, entity management, tax filing. 406-609-4567, email ad min@abundantskiestax.com or online at www.abundantskiestax.com.
In a foster's arms, I feel at home. This holiday season, you can be a hero for pets like me when you donate to the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. Your gift creates second chances and leaves a lasting impact on the animals who need it most. Cheyenne Animal Shelter, cheyenneanimalshelter.org.
Baca's Construction LLC, Experience and quality matters. Concrete and full remodels, residential and commercial, 50+ years experience, local name, trustworthy and affordable, free estimates, licensed and insured. 307-287-8926, to visit our website scan the QR code in this weeks issue of Trader's or visit bacascon structionllc.com.
Doug's Painting, we offer: Interior and exterior, specialize in cabinet painting, wood or tile accent walls. Quality work at affordable prices, no subcontractors used ever, military and 1st responder discounts, guaranteed start times, fully insured. 307-263-0133 office, 303-990-5319 cell and text.
Firewood for sale! 14' dump trailer loads, 3 cords of rounds, delivered, various sizes ready to split, mixture of Cottonwood, Ash, Aspen, Maple, Poplar, Locust and Pine, $225 in town, $250 out of town. Wyoming Professional Tree Care, 307-823-3332.
T-Joe's Steakhouse and Saloon, reserve your party now! serving homemade soups, dressing, desserts and daily specials! Great cocktails! Area's largest bourbon selection and package liquor! Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm, Sun 12pm-8pm. 100% non-smoking. Check Facebook for updates. 12700 I-80 Service Rd, I-80 exit 370, 307-634-8750.
Corner to Corner Fence: Cedar, chain link, vinyl, livestock and we also repair! Free estimates, licensed and insured, cornertocornerfence.com, 307-365-0498.
Bart's Flea Market: Antiques, collectibles and a whole lot more! Cheyenne's oldest and largest flea market! Open 7 days a week. Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm. 307-632-0004, 415 W Lincolnway.
1975 bumper pull camper trailer, great shape, hauls great, $2500 OBO. 307-534-6524.
Healthworks is more than just a doctor's office! See our complete list of services at wyhealthworks.org. Call HealthWorks at 307-635-3618 to schedule your appointment.