Issue for the week of March 21, 2025
Our Community

Weeks of March 21-April 6

The following articles are for the weeks of March 21-April 6. If you would like to be a part of this section, stop by Traders Shoppers Guide at 2021 Warren Avenue, E-mail: info@wyotraders or fax: (307)634-8530. Any questions, please call (307)634-8895.

Cheyenne LEADS Board of Directors Needs Members

Cheyenne LEADS Board of Directors is accepting nominations for three elected board seats. These members will serve on the Board of Directors for three years from April 2025 until March 2028. They are also looking for volunteers to sit on this year’s Nominating Committee, led by Board Vice-Chair Rich Bolkovatz. The committee will meet once in the coming months to select the nominees. If you are interested in nominating someone for a board seat or are interested in volunteering on the nominating committee, please contact Melissa Lightfoot at or call 307-638-6000.

Our Community Article Deadlines

Does your not-for-profit club or organization have an event coming up that you would like publicized? Submit a paragraph with who, what, when, where and contact information and we’ll put it in Trader’s “Our Community” section at no charge on a space available basis. The deadline is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 307-634-8895.

Alliance of Therapy Dogs Seeking Teams

The Alliance of Therapy Dogs is looking for more teams to serve Cheyenne and the surrounding area. They have a very busy schedule with many different opportunities for everyone and their dogs to bring smiles and joy to many, many people! Please go to, click on “How to Become a Member” and get the registration process started. A working dog is a happy dog and this type of volunteering gives you and your dog true quality time together.

Pull Tab Donations Benefit Shrine Club

The Cheyenne Shrine Club, in the Memory of Tom Tammen, is asking for donations of pull tabs from aluminum cans. After being recycled, the funds generated will go to the Cheyenne Shrine Club Travel Fund which is used solely to send Shrine Kids and parents to either Salt Lake City or to one of 21 other Shrine Hospitals that perform orthopedic, burn or cleft palate care. For more information, contact Diane Tammen at 307-638-3341, or drop off your tabs at Underwood Flowers, 2121 Central Avenue.

Trader’s Office Hours

Trader’s office hours are 8:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Wednesday and 8:00am-3:00pm Thursday and Friday. If you would like to place an ad outside these hours you may phone in your ad to 307-634-8895 and leave your ad, contact name and phone number on our voicemail or place your ad online at The deadline for classified advertising is 4:00pm Wednesday.

Free Tax Preparation

United Way of Laramie County’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) will offer Free Tax Preparation and electronic filing by appointment only. Please call 307-286-3059 on weekdays between 9:00am-2:00pm. You may leave a message outside these hours and your call will be returned the next business day. Tax Prep hours weekdays are 9:00am-2:00pm at various locations depending on the day. Locations include AARP State Office and Boost Center. Tax Prep hours at Laramie County Community College are Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00pm-7:00pm and Saturdays from 9:00am-12:00pm.

Cheyenne Camera Club Meetings

The Cheyenne Camera Club meets the first and third Thursdays each month from September through May at 6:00pm at the Highlands Presbyterian Church at 2390 Pattison Avenue. The public is welcome to attend. Coffee break meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Dazbog Coffee at 3911 East Pershing Boulevard at 9:00am. Call Judy at 307-634-0357 or go to

Kids Need Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Cheyenne meets on Thursday at 12:00pm at Red Lion Hotel, 204 West Fox Farm Road in order to help children in need. For information on the Kiwanis Club of Cheyenne go online to

TOPS Club Meeting

TOPS #WY 002 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets each Tuesday afternoon at 4:00pm in the basement of Faith United Methodist Church, 522 East 6th Street. Join them for fellowship and weight loss motivation. For more information, please contact or check out the national website online at

Opportunity for Crafters and Vendors

An opportunity for crafters and vendors will occur on Saturday, April 26 from 9:00am-3:00pm at Frontier United Methodist Church, 1888 East Four Mile Road to participate in a gift selection day. Mother’s Day is only 2 weeks away from the event. Tables are 8’ for $25 or two 8’ for $40. Please text Jan at 307-630-9100 with your full name, cell phone number, mailing address and email address to receive detailed information.

Fly Fishing Film Tour Fundraiser

The Curt Gowdy Trout Unlimited Chapter is holding their annual Fly Fishing Film Tour fundraiser on Saturday, March 22 at the Blue Federal Credit Union at 2401 East Pershing Avenue Building A. Supper, beer, soft drinks, fly film and fun activities for adults and kids are included in the ticket price. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at Doors open at 5:00pm.

Heirloom Fruit Varieties for Cheyenne

Learn which fruit varieties are recommended for Cheyenne based on decades of research conducted at the Cheyenne Horticultural Field Station, now the High Plains Arboretum, from 1930-1974. Horticulturist Jessica Friis will explain the varieties and how to care for them so that people can successfully grow fruit in their own backyard on March 22 from 10:30am-11:30am at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, 710 South Lions Park Drive. Register for the program at

Let’s Get Growing Part 2

Laramie County Master Gardeners will be hosting a “Let’s Get Growing! Part 2” Seed Starting and Transplanting and more at Laramie County Community College Pathfinder Building, Room 305, 1400 East College Drive on Saturday, March 22 from 10:30am-12:30pm. Please RSVP at to join this fun, hands-on workshop. Bring questions, seeds and seed starting systems.

Murder Mystery Fundraiser

A Murder Mystery Fundraiser will be held the evening of Saturday, March 22 to raise funds to support the once-a-week hot lunch program offered by the Cheyenne Elks Lodge, 100 East 17th Street. Operation Brotherly Love offers a hot midday meal each Thursday to the food insecure population of Cheyenne. All who come to the lunch are fed. There will be plenty of appetizers to munch on, a silent auction and a cash bar. The event will begin at 6:30pm. Tickets will be available at the door, although advanced ticket purchases are preferred. To purchase individual tickets, please go to For sponsorships or additional information, contact

Prairie Garden Club Monthly Meeting

Join the Prairie Garden Club as they enjoy a presentation from Jeff Geyer of the Laramie Country Conservation District on ‘Propagating Native Plants.’ Meeting is being held at the Terminal Conference Room, Cheyenne Regional Airport, 4020 Airport Parkway W, Cheyenne on Thursday, March 27, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Open to the public and free,

Month of the Military Child

Save the date for an evening of fun and appreciation as Laramie County 4-H and Wyoming National Guard host the Month of the Military Child on April 8 from 5:30pm-8:00pm at the Laramie County Community College in the Pathfinder Building at 1400 College Drive. Everyone is welcome to come enjoy the festivities and show support for military families in the community.

Bunco Tournament

A Bunco Tournament will be held at Grace United Methodist Church, 2950 Spruce Drive, Grace Hall on Saturday, March 29, 12:30pm-5:00pm. There will be cash prizes and door prizes. Proceeds go to First Responders. Please call Jan at 307-221-0765 with any questions.

Cheyenne Audubon Field Trip for Sandhill Cranes

Cheyenne Audubon members are inviting the public to join them on a free birdwatching trip Saturday, March 29 to Table Mountain Wildlife Habitat Management Area to see sandhill cranes return to their nighttime roosting area after feeding in the grain fields. The trip is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome. They are leaving at 3:00pm from Lions Park, from the parking lot south of the Children’s Village, South Lions Park Drive. Please register with Grant Frost, 307-343-2024. For information about what to wear, what to bring and further details go to

The M Show at the Cheyenne Artists’ Guild

The Cheyenne Artists’ Guild presents the M Show at 1701 Morrie Avenue the month of March, Wednesday-Friday 11:30am-4:30pm and Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm. Find artwork that contains something that starts with the letter M.

New Member Drive

Cheyenne Harmony Chorus is looking for new members. They will hold a New Member Drive at the Laramie County Library Cottonwood Room at 2200 Pioneer Avenue on Saturday, April 5 from 1:00pm-2:00pm. Refreshments will be provided. They meet weekly on Thursdays from 6:30pm-8:30pm at Grace United Methodist Church at 2950 Spruce Drive. Go to for more information or email

Laramie County DUI Victim Impact Panel

Laramie County DUI Victim Impact Panel will be held March 31. All panels are held at LCCC in the Center for Conferences, Room 130, 1400 East College Drive, start time is 6:30pm sharp (doors will lock at 6:30pm). Please arrive at 6:00pm-6:15pm for check in. Websites for the most up to date information are or The Mission of the Laramie County DUI Impact Panel is to stop drunken and drugged driving and to create awareness regarding the tragic consequences of this event. Panel members share their life stories regarding the issue of impaired driving in the hope of preventing life altering tragedies from continuing to occur. The panel is normally held on the last Monday of every other month. If you are interested in speaking for or being a part of the Impact Panel, please call 307-214-5444 to confirm the schedule. Cost is $40 cash for those required to attend by the courts, probation and parole, or treatment and who need proof of attendance. All others, to include guests of those required to attend, are welcome free of charge.

Apron Talk

Cheyenne Women’s Connection and Special Speaker/Feature: Joan Vidlak will present the talk “Life - What and Adventure” as a mother of 6 daughters; Yes, What an Adventure! Plus: Joan talks about the history of “Aprons Through the Ages” and Special Music with Christina Norris. Come for food and friends on Tuesday, April 8 from 9:30am-11:30am. They are back at the Red Lion Inn at 204 Fox Farm Road. Please call Colette Johnson at 307-214-0874 or email for information and to make a reservation by April 2.

Easter Hunt and Shop

Meet the Easter Bunny and participate in an Easter Egg Hunt, plus shop on Saturday, April 19 from 9:00am-3:00pm at 327 South Main Street in Burns. Raffle proceeds benefit the Laramie County Fire Department #6. For more information contact

Volunteers Needed

Alliance of Therapy dogs is in need of volunteers. Sharing your dog with those who can no longer have one is a special kind of volunteering. Teams have many facilities in Cheyenne to visit on a weekly basis with day, evening and weekend opportunities. Please go to to apply to become a therapy dog volunteer. Please email or call 307-432-0272 for additional information.

Master Gardeners Present Permaculture Workshop

Laramie County Master Gardeners (LCMG) is sponsoring a workshop on Permaculture Design on Saturday morning April 19 from 9:00am-12:00pm, with check-in at 8:30am. Learn sustainable design principles for your outdoor space, including a fun and engaging hands-on activity. The workshop will be conducted by Kelly Bull, a well known regional expert and speaker on Permaculture. The workshop will be held at LCCC Center for Conferences and Institutes Building - Room 130, 1400 East College Drive. Register on the LCMG website

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet

Southeast Wyoming Chapter #100 of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold their annual banquet on Friday, April 25 at the Cheyenne Ice and Events Center, 1530 West Lincolnway, doors open at 5:00pm. For more information or tickets go to or call Paula Klaus-Crozier at 970-200-3003.

Vendor Application and Event Registration Open

Get ready Cheyenne! Superday 2025 is right around the corner, bringing a full day of fun, fitness and community celebration on Saturday, June 28 from 10:00am-4:00pm at Lions Park, 789 South Lions Park Drive. Applications for vendors, including food vendors are available at Registration to enter races and tournaments at Superday is also now open at

TOPS Club Meeting

TOPS Chapter 117 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets each Thursday at the VFW Post 1881, 2816 East 7th Street, Nationway Frontage Road. Weigh-ins are from 8:00am-8:45am and meetings are from 9:00am-10:00am. TOPS provides tools, information and support to be successful in losing weight. The program focuses on health as well as weight loss. For more information contact Secretary Joanne at 307-630-7396 leave message.

Widows and Widowers Group

The Widows and Widowers group would like to welcome new members who are needing to move on after the loss of their life partner. Get out of the house and form new friendships at their once a week Tuesday meetings, held in the public library at 2200 Pioneer Avenue. Meeting starts at 12:30pm. Group lunch twice weekly, once after Tuesday meeting and 2:00pm lunch on Sundays. They get together to share, learn, have fun and laughter. Once a month meeting days are insights shared by professionals on need to know issues. This local group goes on outings, tours and lectures. Please call Vicki at 307-631-9990 for more information on the Tuesday you prefer to start.

Cars, Cigars and Guitars Under the Stars

Classic Car owners and enthusiasts will raise funds for local charities at the Sixth annual Charity Classic car show, “Cars, Cigars & Guitars-under the stars.” In 2024, over $50,000 was raised at the event and distributed amongst several local charities, all of Cheyenne. This year’s event will be held August 16 at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Exhibition Hall. Event hours are 3:00pm-8:00pm. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram or call George Mores at 307-630-2027.

Permanent “Vietnam Wall” in Cheyenne

Veterans Remembrance Memorial is accepting donations and sponsorships to place a permanent Vietnam Wall here in Cheyenne. This Vietnam Wall is an 80% replica of the wall in Washington DC. It will be a special place to hold ceremonies and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom and help those that have brothers, sisters or family members whose names are on it. If you would like to become a sponsor: your company or name will be on the permanent sponsor plaque and a personal sponsor plaque for you or your company. Sponsorship donation amounts are Sergeant $1,000, Captain $2,500, Colonel $5,000, and General $10,000 or more. This will also help in bringing visitors to our great city. To donate or for information, call 443-784-8575.

Youth Alternatives Special Friends Program

The Office of Youth Alternatives Special Friends Program is looking for adult mentors that are 18 years and older to act as positive role models to youth in a one-to-one mentoring relationship, qualifications do apply. For additional questions and information, individuals interested in serving may call 307-637-6480.

Youth Alternatives Foster Grandparent Program

The Office of Youth Alternatives Foster Grandparent Program is looking for tutor/mentors that are 55 years and older to work with children who need extra support in a supervised classroom setting for the 2025 School Year. Foster Grandparents make a difference in the lives of children in our community and earn an average of $300 per month in a non-taxable stipend. Some qualifications apply. Individuals interested in serving may call 307-637-6480 for more information. Make a difference for yourself and a child today.

Southeast Wyoming Estate Planning Council

The Southeast Wyoming Estate Planning Council invites professionals in the area to consider becoming a member. The SEWEPC is made up of dedicated professionals in the legal, accounting, financial services, trust and foundation professions working with clients to help them with their estate planning needs. Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Everyone has an estate, and they want to be able to dispose of their “things” according to their wishes. The Council helps bring different disciplines together for the common good of the client. Meetings are held monthly September-May, the last Tuesday of the month, at noon at the Metropolitan, 1701 Carey Avenue, unless otherwise announced at hosted location. Each meeting features a top speaker and membership provides more exposure. Learn more about both estate planning services and membership at

CFD Old West Museum Western Spirit Art Show

Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum’s 44th Annual Western Spirit Art Show and Sale will run through April 19. Artwork will be available for purchase both in person and online continuing through April 19. For more information or to explore the collection online, visit