“Veterans Remembrance Memorial” is accepting donations and sponsorships to place a permanent Vietnam Wall here in Cheyenne. The total cost of The Wall is $175,000 plus $25,000 for the trailer, which also serves as an education center for our POW-MIA and Veterans. This Vietnam Wall is an 80% replica of the wall in Washington DC. The wall is 365 feet long and 8 feet high, and will have lights and flags, along with benches. It will be a special place to hold ceremonies and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom, and help those that have brothers, sisters or family members whose names are on it. If you would like to become a sponsor: your company or name will be on the permanent sponsor plaque and a personal sponsor plaque for you or your company. Sponsorship donation amounts are Sergeant $1,000, Captain $2,500, Colonel $5,000, and General $10,000 or more. This will also help in bringing visitors to our great city. To donate or for more information, call 443-784-8575.